Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on various professions, including sports officiating, cannot be underestimated. As a good friend of mine often says, “the power of the pause” is crucial in today’s digital age. This concept is particularly relevant when considering the use of social media in the context of officiating.

The Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) has established very specific guidelines around social media usage, which can be found on page 3 of the Officials Guidebook. These guidelines are designed to help officials navigate the complexities of social media and maintain professionalism both online and offline.

One of the key recommendations from the MHSAA is to pause before you post anything about a partner, coach, or situation, especially when you are in a heightened emotional state. Taking a moment to pause allows you to reflect on the potential consequences of your post and decide if it is truly necessary or appropriate.

Similarly, officials are advised to pause before following a student-athlete on social media. While it may seem harmless, this action can blur the lines of professionalism and could potentially lead to conflicts of interest or perceptions of bias.

Another critical point to consider is to pause before checking in at a school prior to the contest you’ve been assigned to officiate. Broadcasting your location can inadvertently lead to unintended consequences and compromise the integrity of the game.

Remember, your digital footprint is forever once you press share. The content you post online can have long-lasting implications on your reputation and career. By exercising the power of the pause, you can make wiser decisions that uphold the integrity and professionalism expected of officials.

In conclusion, the power of the pause is a valuable tool for anyone navigating the digital landscape, particularly for sports officials. By taking a moment to think before you post, follow, or check-in, you can ensure that your actions reflect the high standards of your profession. Embrace the power of the pause and make it a habit in your social media interactions.